
  • Inflammation

    For those experiencing weight loss resistance, chronic pain, brain fog, fatigue, skin problems, respiratory problems, and/or cardiovascular issues. THIS IS YOUR STARTING POINT. (And trust me, you are not moving weight if you’re inflamed!) Your first step on the path towards ultimate health and wellness. The answer to this test allows optimization of your personalized health & wellness plan.

    Test results include follow-up consult that walks you through results and explains next steps.

    Assesses cellular health

    Indicates inflammation levels

    Measures oxidative stress

    In home (direct ship) or In office testing available. Urine test.

  • Food Sensitivity

    “Let Food be Thy Medicine and Medicine be Thy Food” -Hippocrates

    Testing for food sensitivities:

    Gives the gut a break

    Takes the stress away from the immune system

    Addresses inflammation

    400 individual foods are tested

    In home (direct ship) or In office testing available. No phlebotomy required. Hair test.

  • Nutrition Deficiency

    This comprehensive test assesses deficiencies in 50 nutrients.

    Most nutrients are absorbed through the small intestine. Additionally, about 40% of us have a gluten sensitivity/intolerace. The standard American diet WRECKS the gut, inhibiting the absorption of nutrients. Over time, gluten shaves down the villi in the intestine, also inhibiting nutrient absorption.

    You’ll receive a follow up with results that explains exactly what your results mean and what foods you can eat or what supplements you can take to replace what you are lacking.

    The most expensive supplement is the one you don’t need!

    In home (direct ship) or In office testing available. No phlebotomy required. Hair test.

  • Metal Sensitivity

    Discover your sensitivity to 50 different metals with our comprehensive test.

    Identifying metal sensitivities I crucial for managing aleries, preventing chronic health issues, and improving overall well-being.

    Take control of your health with accurate results and personalized guidance.

    In home (direct ship) or In office testing available. No Phlebotomy required. Hair test.