Hi! I’m amanda eastvold

I’m a certified functional medicine practitioner. A christian. Wife. Mother of 4 littles (growing so fast!). Business owner. Life long learner. The list goes on!

Just like you. Most of us have multiple titles, a long to-do list, and endless responsibilities! I don’t come from a perfect place, but I make small steps to get there. I have many successes and even more failures! It took me a long time to realize that failure just presents another opportunity for success. A positive outlook is all about perspective!

I have worked in a conventional medicine setting for over 20 years. Mostly in trauma & emergency, although I started my career in the medical cardiac unit. (that’s where my fascination of the heart really began.)

Here’s what I saw: everything.

  • heart attacks,

  • overdoses,

  • birth,

  • death,

  • mental crisis,

  • farm accidents,

  • strep throat,

  • dental pain,

  • broken bones,

  • dislocated joints,

  • gang violence,

  • anaphylactic shock,

  • ear infections

  • …let’s not talk about the pandemic…

Over 10 years ago, in an emergency department in Michigan, I was working as a physician’s assistant candidate. And something felt…off. I was in a level one trauma center but the majority of patients were coming in for symptom management related to their chronic illness. Not true emergencies (like a broken bone). It’s important to know, in the United States, emergency departments, by law, cannot turn anyone away. Over the course of 10 years I witnessed not only the increase of patients that needed assistance managing their chronic illness symptoms, but those symptoms eventually turned into legitimate emergencies. Did you know most (if not 11 of 12) leading causes of death can be prevented? And most are from chronic illness?

I heard a fact similar to this while I was working towards my undergrad. This changed my entire course of study and I turned to a holistic approach to health and wellness. I realized that functional medicine is key to attaining a healthy lifestyle and focusing on diet, exercise, sleep, stress management and faith was the path to get there.

My mission is to guide and empower others on their journey through wellness. It looks different to every person. I can’t wait to see what it looks like for you!

With Gratitude,
